Tips to Building Construction | Repairing an Antique door and a Cracked brick wall

Repairing an Old Rotting Antique Door and Repairing a 14″ crack brick wall | Building Construction

In this article, I have mentioned two cases where the remedy for their repair is briefly explained. This sounds very easy but I am sure it will be of good help to all the Architecture and Civil Engineering students…

How would you restore an old rotting antique door?

The dimensions of the antique door are 7’x4’.

The rotting part of the door is to be cut carefully.

And the cut part of the door is replaced by the similar variety of wood.

After replacing the wood, give a similar finish to the door.

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Tips of Building Construction | Civil Engineering

Method of Luppm Finish and Cleaning of pinhead glass | Building Construction

This is a simple article which deals with two different topics explained in a very brief manner. I hope it will be helpful to the students of architecture and Engineering….

How would you clean a 3mm pinhead glass?

Usually, a chemical called as “aerosols” are used for cleaning 3mm pinhead glass.

The welded design on the pinhead glass can be made plain with the help of some chemical powder and then rubbing the glass with a sandpaper.

How would you luppm finish on an already painted wall?

Oil paint + whiting powder= luppm paste is made.

The paint and plaster of the already painted wall is scraped out.

Then the wall is made rough by chiselling or the wall is brushed by a “wire brush” that makes the wall rough.

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Shanghai Pudong International Airport, China

Shanghai Pudong International Airport, China | One of the Largest International Airport in the world

Shanghai Pudong International Airport is a primary International Airport serving Shanghai of the People’s Republic of China. It is also a major Aviation hub in Asia, particularly in East Asia.

Shanghai Pudong International Airport
Shanghai Pudong International Airport

Location of the International Airport

It is located 30 kilometres from the city centre. The area occupied by the airport is around 40 square kilometres. The site is adjacent to the coastline in the eastern edge of Pudong District within the Shanghai Muncipality boundaries.

Pudong Airport comprises of two main passenger terminals. The terminals are flanked on both sides by three parallel runways. The requirements have been on a tremendous rise. The Airport was constructed with a view to be extended and expanded to cater to increasing passenger growth and the growth in Cargo sector.

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Concept of Fire Zoning | National Building Code

Concept of Fire Zoning | Division of Fire Zones in the city

Concept of Fire Zoning is based on the landuse pattern of the city or town.  This article is written in reference with National Building Code. The concept of Fire Zoning includes:

  1. Demarcation
  2. Number and Designation of Fire Zones
  3. Change in Fire Boundaries
  4. Overlapping of Fire Zones
  5. Temporary Buildings or Structures
  6. Restrictions on Existing Buildings


The city or area is demarcated into distinct zones based on fire hazard inherent in the buildings and structures according to the type of occupancy. The zones in which these areas are divided are termed as “Fire Zones”.

Number and Designation of Fire Zones

The division of the area of the city into different zones depends on various factors such as:

  • Existing Layout
  • Types of building construction
  • Classification of existing buildings based on occupancy
  • Expected future development of the city or area

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Field work in Chain survey | Surveying in Civil Engineering

Field work in Chain surveying | Surveying and Levelling

Earlier, we discussed “Principles of Chain Surveying” and the considerations that are taken for carrying out Chain Surveying… In this article, we will discuss various instruments that are essential for carrying out Chain Surveying.

Here are the steps to be followed for carrying out Chain Surveying:

  1. Reconnaissance Survey
  2. Marking stations
  3. Running survey lines
  4. Taking offsets

Instruments used in Chain Survey

  1. Chain, 20m or 30m long
  2. Tape
  3. Arrows
  4. Ranging rods
  5. Wooden or Iron Pegs
  6. Plumb bob
  7. Cross staff

Chain used for Surveying

20m chain – 100 links

30m chain – 150 links

1 links – 20cm

Links of chain are made by mild steel wire – 4mm diameter.

Chain used for Chain Surveying
Chain used for Chain Surveying

Each link at the end is bent into a loop and is connected to adjoiningly by means of three oval rings which offers flexibility to the chain. Ends of chains carry brass handle.

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Types of Measurements in Surveying | Civil Engineering

Types of Measurements in Surveying

Surveying is the art of making suitable measurements in horizontal or vertical planes. This is one of the important subjects of civil engineering. Without taking a survey of the plot where the construction is to be carried out, the work cannot begin.

From the above definition, we conclude on two types of measurements in surveying. They are as follows:

  1. Linear measurements
  2. Angular measurements

Now we will go on with the discussion of each of these types of measurements along with their subtypes.

Linear measurements are further classified as follows:

Horizontal Distance

Vertical Distance

Horizontal Distance

A horizontal distance is measured in horizontal plane if a distance is measured along a slope, it is reduced to its horizontal equivalent.

Horizontal Angle
Horizontal Angle

Vertical Distance

A vertical distance is measured along the direction of gravity at that point. The vertical distance are measured to determine difference in elevations in various points.

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Purpose of Surveying | Civil Engineering

Purpose of Surveying in the field of Civil Engineering

  • To determine the relative positions of the existing futures of the ground.
  • To layout our marked positions of proposed structures on the ground.
Surveying | Land Survey
Surveying | Land Survey
  • To determine areas, volumes and other related quantities.
  • To prepare a map of a country of detailed out location of cities, towns, villages and major roads.
  • To prepare the engineering detailed plans and sections of various sections such as roads, railways, bridges, dams and other structure.
  • To prepare a topographical map showing details of hills, valleys and rivers.

Scales used in Surveying | Engineering Surveys

Scales | Engineering Surveying

Scale is a fixed ratio that every distance on the plan bears with corresponding distance on the ground.

Rulers bearing a certain specific scale for measurement
Rulers bearing a certain specific scale for measurement

Scale can be represented by the following method

One centimetre on the plan represents some whole number of the metres on the ground.

1cm = 10m

This type of scale is called engineering scale.

1 unit of length on the plan represents some number of same units of length on the ground.

1/1000 etc…

This ratio of map distance to the corresponding ground distance independent of units of measurement is called Representative Factor (RF).

For example,

1cm = 50m

RF = 1/(50×100) = 1/5000

Above two types of scales are also known as numerical scales.

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Classification of Surveys according to their field of Work | Engineering Surveying

Classification of Surveys according to the field of work | Surveying and Levelling

In one of my previous articles regarding “Classification of Surveys“, discussion of various types of surveys have been listed out. We are now proceeding with the detail study of different types of surveys under the category of field of work.

The classification for the field of work is as follows:

Land Survey

This involved survey of objects in earth’s surface.

German Soldier carrying out Land Survey to determine the natural features and determine areas of strategic importance
German Soldier carrying out Land Survey to determine the natural features and determine areas of strategic importance

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Classification of Surveys according to the methods Employed in Surveying

Classification of Surveys according to the methods employed | Civil Engineering

In our previous articles, we discussed classification of Surveys according to their purpose in Surveying. Now we will go on with the discussion on classification of surveys according to the method of work.

Here are the two methods employed for Surveying:

  1. Triangulation Survey
  2. Transverse Survey

Triangulation Survey

The selected survey stations are connected with survey lines in such a way resulting in the formation of network of triangles. This survey is useful in surveying larger areas with uneven site boundaries.

The various formulas of the triangle are used to determine and area and various dimensions of the site.

Right angled triangle - (A = 1/2*base*height)
Right angled triangle - (A = 1/2*base*height)

Transverse Survey

The whole area is divided into various transverses for the easy surveying. Since this method involves division of survey area into various transverse, it is termed as Transverse Survey.

A transverse is a geometrical figure consisting of more than three sides.