Steel and Aluminium Partitions

Steel Partitions

Steel Sheets are specially formed steel panels that  provide continuous reinforcement for monolithic, high strength, fire-resistant plaster finish applications. This type of partition provides a cost-saving alternative to reinforced concrete or Cement concrete blocks partitions. These thin, high-strength walls also easily accommodate electrical conduit and plumbing pipes.

Steel Partitions

Steel and Aluminium partitions are durable and very easy to install. Since they do not rust or rot like iron or wood, they have long durability. They are lustrous and give high quality appearance. They are aesthetically pleasing as well as easy to maintain and clean. And most importantly, economical in construction. They are generally seen to be used in the public toilets, in shopping malls, cinema complexes etc. They are recommended for areas of high humidity

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    Hollow Block Partitions | Terracotta Partitions

    Hollow Block Partitions

    Partitions are used to create distinct and specific spaces for specific purposes usually used in a residential construction which are generally residential homes.


    Hollow Blocks
    Hollow Blocks

    Hollow Block Partitions are made up of different materials. The usually used materials for making hollow clay blocks are:

    1. Clay or Terracotta Hollow Blocks
    2. Fly ash Hollow Blocks
    3. Cement Concrete Hollow Blocks

    Hollow Blocks of Clay or Terracotta

    Hollow Blocks that are made using Terracotta or burnt clay are called Terracotta Hollow Blocks. Terracotta is a good insulator of heat and sound. Hollowness of the blocks adds to the advantage that Terracotta provides.

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    New material trends, Aesthetics and Lighting Techniques

    New changing Trends in the Materials and Furniture Design

    With increasing awareness among people about eco friendly products and green homes, people are orienting themselves towards using eco friendly products and use materials that are readily available in nature and less energy intensive.

    Interior Design
    Interior Design

    Use of Fabric in a different way

    There has been a huge revolution in fabric with people becoming more experimental. The trend is towards natural fibres such as cotton, linen and silk as well as to incorporating design, particularly graphic design into the fabric.

    Concerns on health and safety have led to the manufacture of fire-retardant fabric and the pace of 21st century life has new demands like stain-retardant or spill-retardant features for fabric.

    Materials such as Damask, silk, cotton, linen, weaves, textures, Graphic printing, Ancient ethnic prints, florals etc.

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    Recession cannot stop the boom in Construction Industry

    The fact that India was very much on the periphery of global crisis was clear from the participant responses. Despite the apparent slowdown in the building construction sector, most respondents felt this had not affected either spending patterns or business, in the upper demographic to any significant extent. However, this is qualified by their noticing a degree of caution creeping into the overall spend, especially among the middle income demographics.

    Hallmark Express Towers, Hyderabad, India
    Hallmark Express Towers, Hyderabad, India

    “The furniture market seems to be very promising in coming years and we expect 30% year on year growth in the furniture market. There is much awareness and Western designs are much liked by Indians who are keen to buy readymade furniture which they can change easily with the fashion.

    The responses differed by segment with dealers and retailers noticing a change in purchase patterns, while architects said there was no visible difference in the spend. Builders felt that clients opted for fewer extras such as wooden flooring or appliances with the apartment, but the sales were not affected by more than 10 to 15%.

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    Guide to repair and waterproofing of Jack Arch Concrete Roof

    Jack Arch Roof

    Jack arch Roof construction can be done in brick or concrete. The arch of the Jack arch roof is either made of brick or of concrete. The arch is supported on the lower flange of mild steel joists (RSJs).  The rolled steel joists are supported at their ends on the walls or on the longitudinal girders. They are spaced at a distance of 1m to 1.5m centre to centre.

    Jack arch Roof - Detailed Section
    Jack arch Roof - Detailed Section

    The rise of the arch is kept equal to 1/12th of the span. Layer of concrete is then poured over the roof to straighten the roof. The  concrete layer thickness over the crown of the arch is not less than 15cm.

    Due to the super-imposed load on the arch, tension develops at the ends of the arch. Steel tie rods are placed at the ends of an arch with a suitable spacing of 1.8m to 2.4m.

    In this article, we are going to study the causes for leakages in a Jack Arch Roof and remedy to solve the problem of leakage.

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    Direct Lighting | Ambient Lighting Techniques

    Lighting Techniques

    Lighting enhances the ambiance of the place. It is the deliberate application to achieve some pleasing aesthetic effect. Lighting techniques differ from purpose to purpose. For example, for lighting up of the Dining Room, the kind of lighting technique and lighting fixtures used are different from that used in lighting up Water bodies such fountains, artificial lakes etc. because each one of these places creates a whole different feel of the space.

    Pendant Lighting | Direct Lighting in a Restaurant
    Pendant Lighting | Direct Lighting in a Restaurant

    In this article, we will discuss Direct Lighting Techniques and the lighting fixtures that are used specifically for Direct Lighting System.

    Here are some of the other lighting methods apart from Direct Lighting:

    1. Direct Lighting
    2. Semi-Direct Lighting
    3. Indirect Lighting
    4. Concealed Lighting
    5. Semi-concealed Lighting

    Dining Lighting makes use of Concealed Lighting, Semi-concealed Lighting, Direct and Indirect Lighting System.

    Task Lighting makes use of Direct Lighting system.

    Underwater Lighting makes use of Diffused Lighting system.

    Spot Lighting is complete different system of Lighting but since it has focussed illumination, it can fall under the category of Direct Lighting.

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    Semi-Direct Lighting | Ambient Lighting Techniques

    Semi-Direct Lighting Design

    Semi-Direct Lighting is the kind of lighting provided from a source without reflection from other surfaces.

    In daylighting, this means that the light has travelled on a straight path from the sun to the point of interest.

    In electrical lighting it usually describes an installation of ceiling mounted or suspended luminaires with mostly downward light distribution characteristics.

    Semi-direct Lighting Techniques
    Semi-direct Lighting Techniques

    Types of Lighting

    One of the primary functions of a luminaire is to direct the light to where it is needed. The light distribution produced by luminaires is characterized by the Illuminating Engineering Society as follows:

    • Direct Lighting ( 90 to 100 percent of the light is directed downward for maximum use.
    • Indirect Lighting( 90 to 100 percent of the light is directed to the ceilings and upper walls and is reflected to all parts of a room.
    • Semi-Direct Lighting( 60 to 90 percent of the light is directed downward with the remainder directed upward.
    • Semi-indirect Lighting ( 60 to 90 percent of the light is directed upward with the remainder directed downward.
    • Highlighting Lighting( the beam projection distance and focusing ability characterize this luminaire)

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    Guide to Foundation Design | Column Footings

    Foundation Design

    Foundation is the base of any structure. Without a solid foundation, the structure would not hold for long. We have to be very cautious with the design of foundations because our entire structure rests on the foundation. The job of a foundation is to transfer the loads of the building safely to the ground.

    Laying of Column Footing Reinforcement | Foundation Design
    Laying of Column Footing Reinforcement | Foundation Design

    The strength of the foundation determines the life of the structure. As we discussed in the earlier article, design of foundation depends on the type of soil, type of structure and its load. Higher the load bearing capacity of the soil, the larger the load it could safely carry.

    Foundations are basically divided into Shallow Foundations and Deep Foundations.

    In this article, we are going discuss the step by step guide to Column Footing Design for a shallow foundation.

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    Types of Foundations | Design of RCC Structures


    Foundation of a structure is like the roots of a tree without which the tree cannot stand. The construction of any structure, be it a residence or a skyscraper; starts with the laying of foundations.

    Before designing the foundation, the type of soil is determined. Depending on whether the soil is hard soil or soft soil, a specific type of foundation is adopted.

    Shallow Foundations versus Deep Foundations
    Shallow Foundations versus Deep Foundations

    Foundations are made in various materials… They could be reinforced cement concrete foundations or brick foundations or stone rubble masonry foundations etc. The choice of material to be used in the construction of foundations also depends on the weight of the structure on the ground.

    The bearing capacity of soil plays a major role in deciding the type of foundation. The safe bearing capacity of soil should be 180N/mm2 to 200N/mm2.

    Foundations are broadly classified into shallow foundations and deep foundations. The depth of the foundation means  the difference of level  between the ground surface and the base of the foundation. If the depth of the foundation is greater than its width the foundation is classified as a deep foundation.

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    Various types of RCC Slabs | Design of RCC Structures

    Reinforced Cement Concrete Slab

    • A Reinforced Concrete Slab is the one of the most important component in a building. It is a structural element of modern buildings. Slabs are supported on Columns and Beams.
    • RCC Slabs whose thickness ranges from 10 to 50 centimetres are most often used for the construction of floors and ceilings.
    • Thin concrete slabs are also used for exterior paving purpose.
    RCC Slab Construction
    RCC Slab Construction
    • In many domestic and industrial buildings a thick concrete slab, supported on foundations or directly on the sub soil, is used to construct the ground floor of a building.
    • In high rises buildings and skyscrapers, thinner, pre-cast concrete slabs are slung between the steel frames to form the floors and ceilings on each level.

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