Steel and Aluminium Partitions

Steel Partitions

Steel Sheets are specially formed steel panels that  provide continuous reinforcement for monolithic, high strength, fire-resistant plaster finish applications. This type of partition provides a cost-saving alternative to reinforced concrete or Cement concrete blocks partitions. These thin, high-strength walls also easily accommodate electrical conduit and plumbing pipes.

Steel Partitions

Steel and Aluminium partitions are durable and very easy to install. Since they do not rust or rot like iron or wood, they have long durability. They are lustrous and give high quality appearance. They are aesthetically pleasing as well as easy to maintain and clean. And most importantly, economical in construction. They are generally seen to be used in the public toilets, in shopping malls, cinema complexes etc. They are recommended for areas of high humidity

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    Metal Lath Partitions | Metal Partitions

    Expanded-Metal Partition or Metal Lath Partition

    Metal lath and plaster have been used in both residential and commercial applications to partition interior space and in non-load-bearing exterior walls where appearance and durability are key.

    Various Metal Laths
    Various Metal Laths

    Rib lath

    • Rib lath is widely used as a plaster backing on ceilings,walls and stud partitions.
    • Rib Lath is also ideal for refurbishing damaged or aged masonry walls
    • Material: Galvanized Steel for dry conditions.
    • Stainless Steel for external use and condition of heavy condensation or persistent damp.

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    Hollow Cement Block Partitions

    What are Hollow Cement Blocks?

    Hollow and dense cement concrete blocks known as hollow blocks, have been developed as an alternative to bricks. The products are widely used in construction activity. They are lighter than bricks, easier to place and also confer economics in foundation cost and consumption of the cement. The hollow blocks are made of cement, stone chips, stone dust and sand are not onlycheaper than bricks but have other specialities as well. These blocks have more tensile strength, the walls constructed from these blocks act as thermal insulaters because of their hollowness.

    Hollow Cement Blocks Partition
    Hollow Cement Blocks Partition

    These blocks find wide applicability and construction cost is largely reduced. It is also observed that there is good demand for housing activity among tribals. As the construction activity is growing day by day, there is a good demand for hollow and cement concrete bricks.

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