Lighting Design for Interiors | Primary Lighting Techniques

Types of Lighting Techniques | Primary and Secondary Lighting Techniques

Lighting is an art of illuminating the space in a way to create illusion. Lighting Techniques have been broadly classified into two categories:

  1. Primary Lighting
  2. Secondary Lighting

Primary Lighting and Secondary Lighting are used depending on the requirement of the kind of illumination required at a certain place. At some places, provision of only Primary Lighting would serve the purpose whereas where a meek ambiance is required, secondary lighting would serve the purpose.

Lighting in a Restaurant
Lighting in a Restaurant

Sometimes, for efficient and ambient lighting is the requirement and the cost of the lighting design is not an issue then Primary and Secondary lighting are both used in layers to create a dramatic effect.

Apart from the techniques of primary lighting and secondary lighting, the material used in the interiors also plays a vital role in creating a perfect ambiance.

Check this out: New materials, Aesthetics and Lighting Techniques

In this article, we will discuss in detail about the “Primary Lighting Design”…

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Direct Lighting | Ambient Lighting Techniques

Lighting Techniques

Lighting enhances the ambiance of the place. It is the deliberate application to achieve some pleasing aesthetic effect. Lighting techniques differ from purpose to purpose. For example, for lighting up of the Dining Room, the kind of lighting technique and lighting fixtures used are different from that used in lighting up Water bodies such fountains, artificial lakes etc. because each one of these places creates a whole different feel of the space.

Pendant Lighting | Direct Lighting in a Restaurant
Pendant Lighting | Direct Lighting in a Restaurant

In this article, we will discuss Direct Lighting Techniques and the lighting fixtures that are used specifically for Direct Lighting System.

Here are some of the other lighting methods apart from Direct Lighting:

  1. Direct Lighting
  2. Semi-Direct Lighting
  3. Indirect Lighting
  4. Concealed Lighting
  5. Semi-concealed Lighting

Dining Lighting makes use of Concealed Lighting, Semi-concealed Lighting, Direct and Indirect Lighting System.

Task Lighting makes use of Direct Lighting system.

Underwater Lighting makes use of Diffused Lighting system.

Spot Lighting is complete different system of Lighting but since it has focussed illumination, it can fall under the category of Direct Lighting.

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Ambient Lighting Techniques | Art Of Illumination

The dining room of today is rarely used just for entertaining and formal dining.

Most often the dining table doubles as a work zone for homework or projects, meetings and crafts, and last, but not least as a gathering place for family and friends.

Dining room lighting
Dining room lighting

A place where everyone can unwind over a good meal and enjoy each other’s company.
You need flexibility in your dining room lighting scheme in order to create the right setting for different occasions.

Study of Dining lighting is important so as to create a soothing environment where you can modify the lighting systems according to your mood.

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