Design of Singly reinforced sections | Design Method 2

Guide to design of Singly reinforced Sections

For “Singly reinforced sections” article series, we have covered the following:


Now we will move on with our discussion on “2nd Design method” for the design of Singly reinforced Sections.
We will follow a simple three-step procedure for the design of singly reinforced sections.

Step One:

Given that:

  • Dimensions of section (b and d)
  • Area of tensile steel (Ast)
  • Modular ratio (m)
Stress-strain diagram
Stress-strain diagram

From the figure above, we can see that the neutral axis is situated at the centre of gravity of a given section. Therefore, the moments of area on either side are equal.

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Solved numericals for Singly reinforced Sections | Design Method 1

Design of Singly reinforced Sections | Method 1

In our article series for Singly reinforced sections, we have covered the following:


Numerical Problem

An RC beam 200mm wide has an effective depth of 350mm. The permissible stresses in concrete and steel are 5N/mm2 and 140 N/mm2 respectively. Find the depth of neutral axis, area of steel and percentage of steel. (modular ratio (m) = 18.66)

Step One:

Given that:

b = breadth of a rectangular beam = 200mm

d = effective depth of a beam = 350mm

x = depth of neutral axis below the compression edge = ?

Ast = cross-sectional area of steel in tension = ?

σcbc = permissible compressive stress in concrete in bending = 5N/mm2

σst = permissible stress in steel = 140 N/mm2

m = modular ratio = 18.66

From the concrete stress diagram, the formula is given as,

σcbc/(σst/m) = x/(d – x)

5/(140/18.66) = x/(350-x)

Therefore, x = 139.97mm

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Design Methods for Singly reinforced Sections

Singly reinforced sections | Design of RCC structures

Earlier we discussed some basic terms in reference to singly reinforced sections design. It is important that you are thorough with the basic definitions and have complete understanding of stresses in concrete and steel. You should also possess the knowledge of reinforcement and terminology of beams which includes understanding singly reinforced beam, doubly reinforced beam, under reinforced beam, over reinforced beam and balanced reinforced beam.

There are two methods for the design of singly reinforced sections. In this article we will discuss the first method of singly reinforced section in a stepwise manner. The discussion will include the method for determining the value of neutral axis followed by a formula for the area of steel calculations.


b = breadth of a rectangular beam

d = effective depth of a beam

x = depth of neutral axis below the compression edge

Ast = cross-sectional area of steel in tension

σcbc = permissible compressive stress in concrete in bending

σst = permissible stress in steel

m = modular ratio

Neutral axis

Neutral axis is denoted as NA.

There are two methods for determining the neutral axis depending on the data given.


Stress strain diagram - Singly reinforced section
Stress strain diagram

In this article, we will discuss the first method followed by a couple of numericals for your understanding and then move on to the second method.

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Guide to Doubly Reinforced RCC Beam Design

RCC Beams

RCC beams are cast in cement concrete reinforced with steel bars. Beams resist compression and tensile forces and add rigidity to the structure.

Beams generally carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used to carry horizontal loads (i.e., loads due to an earthquake or wind). The loads carried by a beam are transferred to columns, walls, or girders, which then transfer the force to adjacent structural compression members. In light frame construction the joists rest on the beam.

Doubly Reinforced Beam
Doubly Reinforced Beam

In this article, we are going to discuss types of beam construction and RCC design of simply supportedreinforced beam.

Simply supported RCC beam construction is of two types:

  • Singly reinforced beam
  • Doubly reinforced beam

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