Assumptions for Singly reinforced Sections | RCC Structures

Singly reinforced Sections | Design of RCC Structures

In our series of articles for singly reinforced sections, we have covered the following:

Now, we will move on with our discussion on “assumptions for singly reinforced sections”.

Stress-strain diagram
The equivalent stress-strain diagram is developed with respect to the mentioned assumptions in the post.
  1. The sections that are plane before bending remain plane after bending, at any cross-section.
  2. All tensile stresses are taken up by steel reinforcement and none by concrete.
  3. The stress to strain relationship of steel and concrete under working load is a straight line.
  4. The modular ratio m has the value 280/3σcbc
  5. There is a perfect adhesion between steel and concrete and no slip takes place between steel and concrete.

In our next article, we will discuss the design methods of Singly reinforced sections.

6 thoughts on “Assumptions for Singly reinforced Sections | RCC Structures”

  1. two types of loads are in beam one is live load and other is dead load(self load) along these all types of load is negligible ….
    self load is calculate by (vol×per unit load) and live load is actually given in questions….
    boath the loads are summed and total load are detemined

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