Concealed Lighting Techniques | Methods of Lighting

Concealed Lighting Techniques

Concealed Lighting is one of the methods of Lighting Systems. Concealed Lighting is usually preferred where dim ambient lighting is necessary to enhance the beauty of the ambiance.

Concealed Lighting System
Concealed Lighting System

Here are some of the other lighting methods apart from concealed Lighting:

  1. Direct Lighting
  2. Indirect Lighting
  3. Concealed Lighting
  4. Semi-concealed Lighting

Dining Lighting makes use of Concealed Lighting, Semi-concealed Lighting, Direct and Indirect Lighting System.

Task Lighting makes use of Direct Lighting system.

Underwater Lighting makes use of Diffused Lighting system.

Spot Lighting is complete different system of Lighting but since it has focussed illumination, it can fall under the category of Direct Lighting.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Evolution of the Concept of Concealed Lighting system and also how and where it is used….

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Micro Economics | Economics Related to Building Industry

Micro Economics Related to Architecture and Engineering

The study of Economics can be broadly classified into two categories:

  1. Micro Economics
  2. Macro Economics

In this article, we are going to discuss various terms related to Micro Economics. Check out the brief on “Macro Economics and Micro Economics“.

Here is the list of terms we are about to discuss in this article:

  1. Budget Constraints
  2. Choice
  3. Demand and Supply
  4. Uncertainties
  5. Equilibrium
  6. Technical constraints
  7. Profit maximization
  8. Cost minimization
  9. Monopoly
  10. Oligopoly
  11. Production

Budget constraints

For individuals, the budget for acquiring property depends in the earning capacity of the family per annum, the ability to raise loan, savings, repaying capacity (in 5year/ 10year/ 15year loan periods).


Depends on the budgetary capability, savings, willingness to invest, optimum level to spend, location of the property etc, choice of the specifications, reputation of the builders, quality of construction, timely completion of projects, proximity to public amenities like transport, railway station, airport etc.

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Classification of surveys according to their Purpose | Civil Engineering

Classification of  Surveys according to their Purpose

In our previous article, we discussed division and classification of surveys based on various factors such as Purpose, instruments, field of work, method of work etc.

In this article, we will discuss different types of surveys carried out for various purposes in the field of Surveying

Mine Survey

Mine survey involves exploration of mineral wealth in the country. This would include minerals such as Gold, copper, coal, silver etc. between the earth’s crust.

Mine Survey
Mine Survey

Geological Survey

Geological Survey is carried out by geologists. It is usually for the purpose of the study of earth’s rock structure. It helps to determine different strata in the earth’s crust.

Archaeological Survey

As the name suggests, Archaeological Survey is carried out by the Archaeologists for the purpose of their study concerning the past. This survey helps to trace the relics of the past.

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Guide to Design of Precast Concrete Retaining Walls

This is a guest post by Philip White.

Retaining walls vary hugely in purpose and design but primarily they are structures that hold back soil, earth or other materials. This can be for a number of reasons; protecting a building, preventing downslope movement and erosion, and providing support for grade changes.

Concrete Barrier
Concrete Barrier

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Methods of Valuation of a Building | Building Estimation and Costing

Valuation of Building

Valuation of a building depends on the type of the building, its structure and durability, on the situation, size, shape, frontage, width of roadways, the quality of materials used in the construction and present day prices of materials. Valuation also depends on the height of the building, height of the plinth, thickness of the wall, nature of the floor, roof, doors, windows etc.

The valuation of a building is determined on working out its cost of construction at present day rate and allowing a suitable depreciation.

Six Methods of Valuation
Six Methods of Valuation

Six Methods of Valuation

  1. Rental Method of Valuation
  2. Direct Comparisons of the capital value
  3. Valuation based on the profit
  4. Valuation based on the cost
  5. Development method of Valuation
  6. Depreciation method of Valuation

Rental Method of Valuation

In this method, the net income by way of rent is found out by deducting all outgoing from the gross rent. A suitable rate of interest as prevailing in the market is assumed and Year’s purchase is calculated. This net income multiplied by Year’s Purchase gives the capitalized value or valuation of the property. This method is applicable only when the rent is known or probable rent is determined by enquiries.

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Financing of Projects | Economics related to Architecture and Engineering

Financing of Projects | Economics related to Building Industry

Financing of Projects is the most important factor determining the success of the project. Various factors influence the success of a project.

In this article, we are going to study the major factors that are responsible for the success of the Building project…

Here are the four factors:

  1. Sources
  2. Total Cost Estimation of the Project
  3. Utility in Financing
  4. Agencies and Institutions directly and indirectly influencing the economic aspects of  a project


Loans are available for both purchasers and Builders from:

All Nationalized Banks,

Co-operative Banks,

Private Banks,


Finance Companies,

Insurance Companies like General Insurance Co (GIC), United India Insurance Co Ltd, National Insurance Co Ltd, Oriental Insurance Co Ltd, New India Assurance Co Ltd (for the employees), Foreign Direct Investment FDI, 20 Nationalised Banks along with Regional Rural Banks come under Public sector.

Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks operate under provisions of Cooperative societies Law of states – for credit and non-credit purpose.

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Column Layout for a Residence | Civil Engineering

Column Layout for a residence using the Thumb rules | Building Construction

In my earlier article, we discussed three important thumb rules that are to be followed while making a column layout for any building. They are as follows:

  1. Size of the Columns
  2. Distance between the columns
  3. Alignment of Columns

In this article, we will see an example of a residence of which column layout is done keeping the above three thumb rules in mind.

Column Layout for a residence

The residential villa comprises of 1 and half floors. Initially, the column size 9″x12″ had been used with the use of M15 grade of concrete. The builder wanted to save on his budget by making the columns smaller in size. That is why, the columns in the Floor plans below are 9″x9″ in size but the Engineer made sure that M20 grade of concrete would be used for Columns.

Column Layout for a Ground Floor
Column Layout for a Ground Floor

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Design of different types of Parking Methods

Parking Methods

When an Architect or an Engineer is designing Roads; he must take care that he designs the required Parking Areas as per the requirement and the study of the traffic in that area.

The Parking Methods play a major role in controlling traffic and avoid chaotic confusion and traffic jams because of lack of Parking facility.

Parking Lot, New York
Parking Lot, New York

On the basis of the style of Parking Areas, there are two major types of Parking:

  1. On Street Parking
  2. Off Street Parking

In my earlier article, we discussed;

  1. Means of Access and Design factors to be considered for the design of roads
  2. Important elements to be considered in Road Design
  3. Types of Road Junctions

In this article, we will discuss “Types of Parking in detail” which will help us figure out the efficient way to designing Parking areas for Highways, Arterial roads, sub-arterial roads etc.

On Street Parking

As the name itself suggests, “On-street Parking” means the area allotted for Parking purpose at the sides of the roads. For efficiency in Parking system; the On street Parking is divided into two types:

  1. Angular Parking
  2. Parallel Parking
  3. Perpendicular Parking (efficient Parking Method)

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Importance of Daylighting | Components of Daylight factor

Daylighting | Components of Daylight factor

Daylighting is the practice of the designing various types of openings to admit daylight into the working space for efficient and comfortable living. The orientation, shape and size of the openings play an important role in daylighting.

Daylighting could be provided with the help of windows, skylights, courtyards etc.

Skylight providing internal illuminance
Skylight providing internal illuminance

Daylight factor

Daylight factor can be defined as the sum of all daylight reaching an indoor reference point.

The three important components considered for the estimation of total amount of daylight reaching a particular point is as follows:

  1. Direct light of the sun
  2. External surfaces reflecting light directly to the point
  3. Internal surfaces reflecting and interreflecting light to the point

Each of the three components when expressed as a ratio or percent of the simultaneous external illuminance defines the sky component (SC), external reflected component (ERC) and internal reflected component.

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Ohio Stadium | Largest Football Stadium in Ohio, United States

Ohio Stadium is the centre for the Buckeyes football team at The Ohio State University. It is popularly known as The Shoe, The Horseshoe or The House that Harley Built. The Ohio stadium is located in Columbus, Ohio, United States.

Ohio Stadium, Columbus, United States
Ohio Stadium, Columbus, United States

This stadium has gained quite a lot of historical importance. Its name was added to the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service on March 22, 1974.

  • It has a capacity of accommodating 102,329, people. It is the third largest stadium in the NCAA and the sixth largest non-racing stadium in the world.
  • It is also the largest stadium in Ohio, Columbus, United States.
  • Ohio Stadium is also used for organizing concerts. Famous plays that of U2, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd & Metallica have also been played at Ohio Stadium.

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