Civil Engineering Projects Weekly | 9th April 2013

Underestimate Green lighting? It can save millions of dollars…

The writer explains how green lighting can have a huge impact on the savings. It may seem surprising as to how such a small change in choice could help you save a lot of money. LEDs have been the top choice of the designers because of the variety of pleasing colour options that are available. The article details out the two success stories of the companies that have chosen to go for LEDs replacing their existing incandescent light bulbs. It has been really surprising since the amount that they have saved millions of dollars by going for a greener option of lighting.

LEDs – the future of lighting industry

We are all acquainted with LEDs. LED stands for light emitting diode. Initially, the LEDs weren’t as efficient as they are today. The article details out the pros and cons of using LED lighting. Today, LED is considered under the category of green electronic components. They have played a great role in revolutionizing the lighting industry.

Architect Javed Kachchhi interviewed regarding Construction site inspection

The author interviews the Indian Architect Javed Kachchhi regarding the construction site inspection. Various important questions have been answered that would be incredibly useful to the Architecture and engineering students as well as the young graduates. The questions regarding issues such as monitoring of the site, role of project management team, architects role on site inspection, mistakes committed by workers on site, scenario of construction sites in towns, scenario of construction sites in cities, role of contractors etc.

Damage and repair guide for Sinking Foundations

Sinking foundations could be disastrous for the life of a structure if not paid attention to. The damage and repair guide outlines the complex procedure into three simple steps. Every step in the guide has been explained in detail.

Here are the following three steps:

1)     Examination of the structure

2)     After the problem identification, an expert relating to the field is to be hired.

3)     Outline of methodologies or techniques for the repair of sinking foundation

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Green Electric Components | LED Lights | Research in lighting

Future of Lighting Industry

We are all acquainted with LED (light emitting diode). It is a semiconductor light source and was introduced as a practical electronic component in 1962. Earlier, LEDs emitted low-intensity red light but now the scenario has completely changed. We can now count LEDs under GREEN electronic component. They are tiny but efficient. Technology has made it possible in achieving efficiency with LED lighting.

LEDs (Light emitting diode)
LEDs (Light emitting diode)

LEDs pros and cons

Let us first look at it with a positive perspective.

LEDs are supposed to be the future of our lighting industry. They require low power for illumination. The power required for illumination is as low as required for a flashlight or the screen of our cellphone.

LEDs are very useful to light up smaller rooms. Bright white light can be achieved with minimum requirement of electric power. It has been used by the lighting designers. They can be very easily integrated with the false ceiling in any mall or showroom. Since, the requirement for the number of lights is larger in a showroom, LEDs are a very superior and an economical alternative since they are efficient and at the same time consume less electric power. I would say this is great way to embrace sustainability.

Now, let’s look at it with a perspective that will help us understand the shortcomings in LEDs technology. We will also discuss how researchers have found a perfect way to overcome these shortcomings.

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Underwater Lighting Techniques | Aqua Architecture

Under water lighting deals with the lighting systems placed inside water entities like swimming pools , fountains , etc , and some times even in smaller areas like Jacuzzis . This aspect of lighting mainly depends on the various physical properties of water ( refraction , reflection etc of stand still and moving water). Under water lighting also deals with the effects of lighting placed above water , on and in water.

Figure showing a water fall lit from beneath showing the ‘Glowing steps ‘ effect
Figure showing a water fall lit from beneath showing the ‘Glowing steps ‘ effect

Under water lighting also deals with the effects of lighting placed above water , on and in water.

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Concealed Lighting Techniques | Methods of Lighting

Concealed Lighting Techniques

Concealed Lighting is one of the methods of Lighting Systems. Concealed Lighting is usually preferred where dim ambient lighting is necessary to enhance the beauty of the ambiance.

Concealed Lighting System
Concealed Lighting System

Here are some of the other lighting methods apart from concealed Lighting:

  1. Direct Lighting
  2. Indirect Lighting
  3. Concealed Lighting
  4. Semi-concealed Lighting

Dining Lighting makes use of Concealed Lighting, Semi-concealed Lighting, Direct and Indirect Lighting System.

Task Lighting makes use of Direct Lighting system.

Underwater Lighting makes use of Diffused Lighting system.

Spot Lighting is complete different system of Lighting but since it has focussed illumination, it can fall under the category of Direct Lighting.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Evolution of the Concept of Concealed Lighting system and also how and where it is used….

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