Aerocon Blocks – the new Green Generation Blocks | Sustainable Building Material

Aerocon Blocks | Green Building Materials

Aerocon Blocks are an innovative product in the green building revolution. Aerocon blocks are the new blocks in walling materials, substituting conventional and environmentally unsustainable materials like clay bricks, concrete and Hollow blocks.

Aerocon blocks are an Autoclaved Aerated concrete blocks used in the construction of walls. The raw materials used in the manufacture of these blocks are environmentally friendly and are certified green products. Flyash is also used as an alternative building material which is a waste from thermal power plants.

Aerocon Blocks | Aerated Concrete Blocks
Aerocon Blocks | Aerated Concrete Blocks

Since, these materials are light weight with high thermal insulation, they are highly fire resistant. These blocks save water during construction and ensure long term sustainability of the building. These blocks have been used in wide range of constructions which include residential, commercial, hotels, hospitals, schools etc.

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IPSA – Indore (AAYAM) | Sustainable Green Architecture

Incorporation of Sustainable Green Features in the Design

Aayam in Sanskrit means dimension, and the presented design has provided innovative solutions in all the dimensions of creative world.

The entire building has been made in order to preserve the landscape and adapt suitable style pertaining to the topography. By determining the quantity and quality of light entering the spaces, they have eventually taken on greater reality. The galleries are woven into a modulated space, born of light and geometry.

IPSA - Indore (Sustainable Green Architecture)
IPSA - Indore (Sustainable Green Architecture)

The design is a centre of culture that is rooted in the region and reflecting contemporary art and architecture at the highest level that have come together with nature. The core of the annex is open to sky and the rigorous used of a geometric vocabulary. A reflection of land art with pure modernism, the convention centre is rooted to traditions and mirrors ideas if the youth of India.

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Aliens Space Station | Green Architecture Exemplified

Green Architecture deals with the design and construction of buildings that use less energy, water and natural resources, create less waste and are healthier for the people living inside. Such a building that is constructed using the principles of Green Architecture is termed as “Green Building”.

An Example of Green Building Architecture

Alien Space Station, Hyderabad, India

Alien Space Station Plan

Location of a building is very important. It is located just next to the city’s IT hub, Financial sector, Hospitality services and the upcoming US consulate in Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Aliens Space Station is barely 3 Kms from the Outer Ring Road and 20 minutes drive from the new International Airport.

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Case Study | LBHS College, Mumbai | Green Building Architecture

LBHS is an architecture college situated in the suburbs of Mumbai, in India. It is a prime example of Green Building  Architecture. The city of Bombay is a bit crowded, and as such, land is at a premium. So, the location provides enough space for expansion and providing sufficient infrastructure to students.

LBHS Mumbai - site plan
LBHS Mumbai - Site plan

This project is special because it has implemented many energy-saving devices and techniques to make it one of the first green building designs in India. From light sensors for auto-switching of lights, to water recycling, use of solar arrays and use of earth air tunnels, this project has done everything. It is a very interesting case study. The designers have aimed at developing an semi-autonomous building, almost self-sufficient building complex.

It is inferred that such buildings reduce environmental impacts, increase security, and lower costs of ownership.

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