RCC Building Design and Construction | Structural Design

Step by step procedure to RCC building design | Design of RCC Structures

A building is composed of various structural components such as Foundations, Plinth beams, Columns, Beams, Slab, Staircase, Doors and Windows.

RCC Building Design
RCC Building Design

Design of Foundation | RCC Building Design

Foundation design is the structural component from where the RCC design is initiated. The foundation design guide discussed earlier includes in detail the design procedure for isolated column footing. Column footing is the most commonly used type of foundation. It serves a variety of different buildings.

  • Design of Foundation – the most commonly used foundation is Column footing.
  • Calculation of loads in Foundation Design Calculation of loads is very important for the purpose of structural design. This article outlines the thumb rules for the calculation of various loads in foundation design.
  • Types of Foundations This is a generic article on different types of foundations. It covers some commonly used shallow foundations and also explains pressure distribution under a foundation.

Design of Beams | RCC Building Design

Beams are mainly classified into two types:

  1. Doubly reinforced beam (most commonly used in RCC Construction)
  2. Singly reinforced beam
    A series of articles have been written for the design of Singly reinforced sections. The articles include basic definitions and formulas, understanding stresses and modular ratios, assumptions for singly reinforced sections, Design method 1, Design method 2, Moment of resistance and a number of solved numerical examples.

Design of Columns | RCC Building Design

Design of RCC columns

The article discusses the classification criteria for a column,  and design of different types of reinforcements for columns which include longitudinal, transverse and helical reinforcements.

Thumb rules for designing a Column Layout

The articles important thumb rules to be followed for column layout design. Three important thumb rules have been discussed.

  1. Size of the Columns
  2. Distance between Columns
  3. Alignment of columns

Design of Slabs | RCC Building Design

Design of Staircase | RCC Building Design

The article outlines the types of staircases and discusses in detail the design procedure for the design of dog-legged RCC staircase. It includes classification of stairs based on the spanning direction.
  1. Stairs spanning horizontally
  2. Stairs spanning vertically


39 thoughts on “RCC Building Design and Construction | Structural Design”

  1. What shall be foundation and column length and breath of 4 storey building. Can old floor be use as footing base as foundation to be raise 1meter above current flooring.
    If beam is 3m,4m,5m long what shall be column and beam Size

  2. Hi
    I am looking for the Foundation details of a Factory shed on virgin soil , which is not
    hard enough. Planning to go for RCC col footings
    of 4ftx3ftx1ft size an use 20mmdia tortl,
    for the colmn size of 9inx12in size.
    Can u pl indicate the rebar pattern???

  3. Let me know the column structure of a residetial buliding, how much column required in 1500 sq feet area. G+2 building. Earth quake resistant RCC structure.

  4. Another email is: zhpanna@gmail.com. We have an 7-storied apartment projec on 3600 sft land & total build up area is 2200 sft per floor having 2 equal size apartment. Mud of the land is well matured & pillings are done deep to 50 feets & there are standard basement & RCC great-beams with standard materials. Ground floor for parking & others. That is, there are 12 flats. If average member of a flat is 7 nos, total member will be 84 persons. We want to make only one overgead water tank & lift waters once in a day. What will be the net size of the overhead tank in cubic feet/meter? Will building take load of this tank as it may require approximately 15000 Liters water in a day? There are 16 columns of the building & middle 4 columns will bear maximum load & these columns are bounded by the stair cases. What should be the size in respect of cubic meter/feet & what is the standard capacity of the overhead water tank in liters? Please provide my queries & help me with your valuable solutions taking in consideration of the above mentioned facts.

  5. I designed house plan, and there is double wall, opening space is in ground floor is 16 ft x 16 ft , builder constructed ground floor and finished with 1st floor slab.
    Now , there will be complete roof deck on the 2nd floor , i wonder since span length is more than 16 ft, what to do ?

  6. i want to reduce two pillar from 16 pillar from my constructed building because of which the distance between two pillars is 16 ft and 20ft arise only in case of two pillars another pillars are situated around 9 to 10 feet from each other ………my building area is 100 yard and i use 16mm rods to make pillars the size of pillar is 9”*12”…………am i able to reduce two pillars or not if i want to built ground+3 floor in future ………now i want to built only ground +1 floor ??????????

  7. i have a quary regarding the footing design and other details i want to construct a hall of 52*32sqft size i want to keep just one central pillar and other 9 pillar of 9*9 size pls suggest me for central pillar dessign and size and other specification

    • Depends on the type of soil. If it is a hard murum soil, then footings can be 3′ x 3′ 3″ in dimension and depth of 12“. Steel mesh 10 mm @ 6″ C/C at the base of footing.

      Both the columns of the 12′ gate would be 9″ X 12″ with a main steel of 6 bars of 10 mm, and stirrups of 8 mm @ 6″ C/C.

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