Plane Table Surveying | Methods of Plane Table

Guide to Plane Table Surveying

  • It is a graphical method of surveying in which field work and plotting are done simultaneously in the field.
  • It is very effective method of surveying for preparing small or medium size topographical plans.
  • It is not as accurate as the other survey methods and results.

Methods of Plane Table

  1. Radiation
  2. Intersection
  3. Traversing
  4. Resection


This method is useful in surveying small areas which can be commanded from one station.

From a station, the suitable is selected.

Rays are drawn to various objects.

The distance of the object from the station are measured and marked off on the ray.


In this method, the positions of the object on the plan are fixed by the intersection of rays drawn from two instrument stations.

The line joining these instrument stations are called baseline.


This method is used for running survey lines for close or open traverse.

This is the main method of plane table and is similar to compass or theodolite traversing.

This method consists in running a traverse with a plane table; locating details by taking offsets in usual manner.


This method is used for establishing instrument station on a plan with reference to two points already plotted on the plan.

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