Application of Green Building Technology in India | Thiagaraj Convention Center

When people talk about Green buildings, it is assumed they are eco-radical tree-huggers. But its true. Green building technology can really help achieve sustainable development by reducing energy consumption to a large extent and improving the return on investment by reducing maintenance.

When considering the economic benefits of smart technologies one must include many factors, such as health cost, future economic stability, quality of life and costs of operation.

In India, Thiagaraj Convention Center in Chennai is one such place where green building technology has been extensively used. Many of the building techniques can easily be adapted to existing buildings. For example, the transition from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs can lead to energy savings of upto 75% of costs. The small increase in initial costs to purchase the bulbs would easily be recouped many times over by the savings and extended life of the new bulbs.

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Leading the Green Building Movement | TKM College of Engineering (Chennai)

“A green building is one which uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants, as compared to a conventional building.”

As the world reels under the stress of economic recession and Peak oil, efforts are being made to minimize the use of energy, to maximize return on invested resources by recycling and optimum use of natural resources. Such efforts have culminated into the new Green building movement across the planet.

Brief Introduction of the Project

A contemporary convention centre having state of art facilities, using modern building techniques and energy efficiency as the prime design parameters.

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NIT Trichy | Case Study, Documentation and Analysis

NIT Trichy, or the “National Institute of Technology” is an Engineering College in Tamilnadu.

The ensuing design is primarily based on the Indian values of living and at the same time converging a number of technologies, applied in a creative and innovative way.

Evolution of Form

The solar performance of various forms of the same volume has been analyzed to evolved the ultimate profile. A cuboid oriented with the longer side along the east west axis gets heated throughout the year.

NIT Trichy view
NIT Trichy view

A semi-circular cylinder with inclined walls performs exceptionally with insignificant heating in the summer and increased heating in winter.

Influence of space and volume on psychology

Variation in temperature and volume along the transition spaces increases user receptivity.

Interaction between the atrium and the various levels, facilitates cognitive mapping of the form.

Progression from formal to informal spaces promotes interactive group behavior.

The circulation staircase invokes a sense of accessibility in the building.

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