New revolutionary Ecovillage development in the UK | Lammas
It is one ecovillage in the UK to attain prospective planning permission. The permission was achieved in 2009 after three years of planning campaign (1). It is situated in Northern Pembrokeshire, Wales. It consists of only 9 households spread over an area of 75 acres. The concept of the development of ecovillage was to provide the residents with a sustainable lifestyle. The aim was to help residents learn to grow their food, fulfill their own water and energy needs without depending on mains (2).

Locally available materials have been used for construction. The materials include local timber, straw bale insulation and locally sourced aggregate. Green techniques have been incorporated in the design of ecovillage. Use of masonry stove, passive solar heating and a wood fired kitchen. Department of Energy and Climate Change funded the ecovillage project (3).

The project was designed in a way that it could be replicated anywhere across the country. Each household purchased a 1000 year agricultural lease from the organization that provides them security and autonomy. They employed systems of Permaculture which were used in Australia in 1970s. These techniques helped in maximizing the land productivity. It emulated the natural ecosystems, increase in biodiversity in the local area. It also helped in increasing the productivity organic food. There was a considerable decrease in the levels of carbon pollution (4).