Specifications for Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) | Building Estimation and Costing

Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) is a construction material generally used as a binding materials and is composed of cement, (commonly Portland Cement) and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement, aggregate (generally a coarse aggregate made of gravels or crushed rocks such as limestone or granite, plus a fine aggregate such as sand), water, and chemical admixtures.

Cement mixing with sand
Cement mixing with sand

In my earlier articles, I discussed types of specifications, purpose of specifications, RCC specifications, Specifications for Brick masonry in Cement Mortar, Coursed Rubble Masonry Specifications. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail various specifications that are to be given before the initiation of PCC work.

Specifications for Plain Cement Concrete (PCC)

Materials Specifications

Aggregate shall be of invert materials and should be clean, dense, hard, sound, durable, non-absorbent and capable of developing good bond with mortar.

Coarse aggregate shall be of hard broken stone of granite or similar stone, free from dust, dirt and other foreign matters. The stone ballast shall be of 20mm size and smaller. All the coarse material should be retained in a 5mm square mesh and should be well graded such that the voids do not exceed 42%.

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Specifications for Coursed Rubble Stone (CRS) Masonry

Coursed Rubble Masonry

Masonry is affected by the use of low grade materials that is in case of stone masonry, use of low grade stones, improperly cut stones, chipped off stones etc. The mortar mix should follow a specific standard for the proper bonding between the joints of Course Rubble Masonry. Therefore, specifications have to be given for the materials used, the laying technique, Bond or Through stones, Quoins and curing – for the ultimate strengthening of the final masonry work.

Coursed Rubble Masonry
Coursed Rubble Masonry

In our earlier articles, we studied different types of specifications, purpose of specifications, RCC specifications, Specifications for Brick Masonry in Cement Mortar. We will be discussing Specifications for Plain cement concrete in our next articles. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail all the necessary specifications that are to be given for the construction of Coursed Rubble Masonry.

Specifications for Coursed Rubble Stone (CRS) Masonry

Material Specifications

Stone shall be hard, sound, free from decay and weathering. Stones with porous matter or with boulder skin shall be rejected. The size of stones shall not be less than 15cm in any direction.

Cement and sand for cement mortar or lime and surkhi for lime mortar shall be of standard specification.

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