6 step procedure for determining stresses in steel and concrete | Doubly reinforced sections

Numerical example for determining stresses in steel and concrete

In our article series for “Design of Doubly reinforced sections”, we covered the following:

What are doubly reinforced sections?

Methods for determining Neutral Axis?

Solved numerical examples for determining Neutral Axis

Numerical examples for practice (Find Neutral axis)

Methods for calculating Moment of Resistance

Numerical example for calculating Moment of resistance

Types of problems in Doubly reinforced sections

Determining stresses in steel and concrete 

Numerical example | Stresses in steel and concrete

In our previous article, we discussed a detailed 6 step procedure for determining stresses in steel and concrete. Now we shall move on with a numerical example in which we will use the 6 step procedure to solve the problem.

Problem Type two: Determining stresses in steel and concrete using the 6 step procedure

A rectangular beam is 200mm wide and 480mm deep. It has to resist a bending moment of 100 kN-m. The reinforcedment consists of four 25mm ⏀ bars on tension side and three 22mm⏀bars on compression side. The centres of bars being 30mm from the top and bottom edges of the beam. Find the stresses set up in steel and concrete. m=18.66

Given data is as follows:

Breadth of the beam = b = 200mm

Effective depth of the beam = d = 480 – 30 = 450mm

Distance of compressive steel from the top edge of the beam to the centre of the steel = d’ = 30mm

Bending moment = M = 100kN-m

Modular ratio = m = 18.66

Area of tensile steel = Ast = 4 π/4 x 25 x 25 = 1964 mm2

Area of compressive steel = Asc = 4 π/4 x 22 x 22 = 1140 mm2

Step one:

Find x:

bx.x/2 + (1.5m – 1)Asc (x – d’) = mAst(d-x)

200x2/2 + (1.5×18.66 – 1) 1140 (x – 30)

= 18.66 x 1964 x (450 – x)

Therefore, x2 + 674.17x – 174147 = 0

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Determining stresses in Steel and Concrete | Doubly reinforced Sections

Six step procedure for determining stresses in steel and concrete

In our article series for “Doubly reinforced Sections design guide”, we have covered the following:

What are doubly reinforced sections?

Methods for determining Neutral Axis?

Solved numerical examples for determining Neutral Axis

Numerical examples for practice (Find Neutral axis)

Methods for calculating Moment of Resistance

Numerical example for calculating Moment of resistance

Types of problems in Doubly reinforced sections

Determining stresses in steel and concrete 

Numerical example | Stresses in steel and concrete

Now we shall proceed with a simple 6 step procedure for determining compressive stresses in steel and concrete. Further in our next article, we shall also solve a numerical using the same method.

Generally, the following data is given for reference with the help of which we can determine the stresses in steel and concrete

Breadth of the beam = b

Effective depth of the beam = d

Area of tensile steel = Ast

Area of compressive steel = Asc

Modular raito = m

Bending moment = M

Six step procedure for determining the compressive stresses in steel and concrete:

Step One:

Find x by using the following formula:

bx.x/2 + (1.5m – 1)Asc (x – d’) = mAst(d-x)

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