Purpose of Specifications and types of Specifications

What are Specifications?

Specifications describe the nature and the class of the work, materials to be used in the work, workmanship etc. and is very important for the execution of the work. The cost of a work depends much on the specifications. Specifications should be clear.

Types of Specifications
Types of Specifications

Purpose of giving Specifications

  • The cost of an unit quantity of work is governed by its specifications.
  • Specification of a work is required to describe the quality and quantity of different materials required for a construction work and is one of the essential contract documents.
  • This also specifies the workmanship and the method of doing the work. Thus specification of a work serves as a guide to a supervising staff of a contractor as well as to the owner to execute the work to their satisfaction.
  • A work is carried out according to its specification and the contractor is paid for the same. Any change in specification changes the tendered rate.
  • As the rate of work is based on the specification, a contractor can calculate the rates of various items of works in tender with his procurement rates of materials and labour. Thus tender rate without specification of works is baseless, incomplete and invalid.

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Market Value, Book Value, Capital Cost | Property Valuation System

Property Valuation System

Studying Building Estimation and Costing helps us evaluate the value of the property according to its current market trends. The Value of a property is listed into various different categories such as;

  1. Market Value
  2. Book Value
  3. Capital Cost
  4. Capitalized Value
Property Valuation System
Property Valuation System

In this article, we are going to discuss different categories under which a property is evaluated that is Valuation is done.

Market Value

The market value of a property is the amount which can be obtained at any particular time from the open market if the property is put for sale. The market value will differ from time to time according to demand and supply.

The market value also changes from time to time for various miscellaneous reasons such as changes in industry, changes in fashions, means of transport, cost of materials and labour etc.

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Six important Purposes of Property Valuation | Building Estimation and Costing

Building Estimation and Costing

Building Estimation and Costing is a vital part of Civil Engineering. No project can begin without the total Building Estimation and Costing done by the Engineer. The entire Cost of construction and the infrastructure used for the purpose of construction is estimated and the final costing is done on the basis of which a certain percentage of the Project cost is paid to the Engineer, the Architect and other consultants involved in the project.

Building Construction
Building Construction

Valuation is one such important part of Building Estimation and Costing. Valuation is done after the project is complete on the latest trends of the land prices in the market.

In this article, we will discuss what is Valuation and the six important purposes of Valuation.


Valuation is the technique of estimating and determining the fair price or value of a property such as a building, a factory or other engineering structures of various types, land etc.

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