Scales used in Surveying | Engineering Surveys

Scales | Engineering Surveying

Scale is a fixed ratio that every distance on the plan bears with corresponding distance on the ground.

Rulers bearing a certain specific scale for measurement
Rulers bearing a certain specific scale for measurement

Scale can be represented by the following method

One centimetre on the plan represents some whole number of the metres on the ground.

1cm = 10m

This type of scale is called engineering scale.

1 unit of length on the plan represents some number of same units of length on the ground.

1/1000 etc…

This ratio of map distance to the corresponding ground distance independent of units of measurement is called Representative Factor (RF).

For example,

1cm = 50m

RF = 1/(50×100) = 1/5000

Above two types of scales are also known as numerical scales.

There are four main types of scales which are used for different purposes for measurements:

  1. Plain Scale
  2. Diagonal Scale
  3. Vernier Scale
  4. Scale of chords

We will discuss each of the scale type in detail in our succeeding articles…

4 thoughts on “Scales used in Surveying | Engineering Surveys”

  1. My friend I want to get a scale made by your company. I want to inform you about my formula to make the scale that I need. Plz add me with your skype. My ID is tazuddin01 plz let me know further.

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