Fixing and Repair of Ceramic tiles in Large Halls | Building Construction

Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic materials are an inorganic, non-metallic solid. They are prepared by the action of heat and subsequent cooling. Ceramic materials have a crystalline or partly crystalline structure, or may be amorphous. Because of its crystalline nature, ceramic tiles have a tendency to crack when put under pressure.

Ceramic tiles
Ceramic tiles

A ceramic material is an inorganic crystalline oxide which is solid and inert and hence does not react with any chemicals. Since Ceramic is chemically inert, it can withstand chemical erosion that occurs due to other materials in the surroundings that react with acidic substances. Ceramic materials are brittle, hard, strong in compression, weak in shearing and tension.

In this article, we are going to discuss the method of fixing Ceramic Tiles over Large Floor Spans and the method of replacement of tiles.

Fixing of ceramic tiles in a Large Hall

Fixing of ceramic tiles in a Large Hall
Fixing of ceramic tiles in a Large Hall
  • A grid is made in the large hall. The grid should not exceed 8’x10’.
  • 6mm groove is made in between each box of the grid so that when the tiles expand, they don’t result in breaking.

Reasons for the breaking or cracking of  ceramic tiles

  • The adhesive used for ceramic tiles is cement mortar. When the mortar mix in not made in the correct proportion, the ceramic tiles result in popping up.
  • Ceramic tiles are delicate. If excessive load is kept over them, they result in cracking.
  • If ceramic tiles are laid continuously over large spans without any grooves between them, then they result in popping up and breaking, since ceramic tiles have the ability to expand.

Replacing the broken ceramic tiles

There are three important steps to be followed for the replacement of the broken ceramic tile:

Step one:

While removing the broken ceramic tile, we should take care so that the tiles around the tile to be removed are not damaged. Cut the tile from the inside of its edges so that other tiles don’t get chipped off. Then take a chisel and hammer and slowly chisel out the the edges of the broken tile from the floor.

Chipped Ceramic tile that is to be removed is circled
Chipped Ceramic tile that is to be removed is circled
Method of removal of the broken Ceramic Tile
Method of removal of the broken Ceramic Tile

Step two:

Scrape out the old adhesive that is cement mortar from the floor.

Step three

Lay fresh cement mortar (1:6) to a layer of thickness 10mm and then lay ceramic tiles in a fashion as discussed in the article above.

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