Porcelain and Ceramic Tiles in Modern Architecture
In my earlier articles, I have discussed about some of the Modern materials and “Modern Bathroom Designs“. But the fact that what materials make those Bathrooms modern and gives them an elegant look cannot be ignored. In this article, we will discuss in brief about two important materials responsible for giving beauty and elegance to your bathrooms and also some important places and corners in your homes.
Porcelain and ceramic tiles have been used throughout history and it is almost impossible to conceive a modern day structure without the use of ceramic tiles.
What was initially considered a piece of art in ancient times has become a product of mass utility now due to its intrinsic qualities, which perfectly match the demands of modern architecture.
A ceramic is an inorganic, non-metallic solid produced by the application of heat and subsequent cooling. Ceramic materials may be crystalline, partly crystalline or amorphous in appearance.
The earliest ceramics were pottery objects made from clay, either singly or mixed with other materials, hardened by fire.

Later ceramics were glazed and fired to create coloured, smooth surface. In the 20th century, new ceramic materials were developed for use in advanced ceramic engineering which helped to overcome the issue of high volume supplies and this industry flourished throughout the world with India being no exception.
Propelled by an unprecedented boom in the housing, retail, hospitality, IT and BPO sectors during the recent years, the Indian industry has come on its own to be the third highest producer of tiles in the world in 2011.
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