Prefabricated Construction and Lightweight building systems
What is Prefabrication?
Prefabrication is the practice of assembling components of a structure in a factory or other manufacturing site, and transporting complete assemblies or sub-assemblies to the construction site where the structure is to be located. The term is used to distinguish this process from the more conventional construction practice of transporting the basic materials to the construction site where all assembly is carried out.
During the development in the industrial revolution, the people have full awareness regarding the behaviour of the structure.
It was fully analyzed and understood that for the existence of an object and its form, it is necessary that the object can bear all forces which act on it.

The structure thus, functions in three subsequent operations:
- Load reception
- Load transfer
- Load discharge
The flow of forces does not pose problem as long as the object form follows the direction of acting forces. With these analytical theories of structure and at the same time new technological developments like prefabricated construction influence the designer.
In the works of Buckminster Fuller and Moshe Safdie, there is extensive use of fabricated components.

The construction of pre-fabrication and lightweight building systems was possible mainly with the help of basic skeleton structure made of steel or concrete having no load bearing walls and other components of the building made up of light weight panels.
We are looking for companies who develop and produce lightweight structures which could be added to the top of the existing buildings.
Please inform us if there are outstanding companies in this regard.
Best wishes
we want to construct one floor 16 X 16 mtr on 2nd floor, hence we want offer for supply & erection of complete floor
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